[Image from http://www.preciousmomentsonline.com/]
"One of the myths that you have to overcome to live a significant and purposeful life is the myth that you don't count, that you can't make a difference, that what you can do is so insignificant and the needs of the world so great, that what you can do doesn't matter. It matters tremendously to someone who is on the receiving end of your love."
Harold J. Sala
hey, i used to listen to harold sala years back. eh ngayon wala na akong radio so i don;t know if he is still on :-)
I often find out that small things which we do for others really matter even though we might never realize it.
I recall a message which I received from someone:
One cent can start a million,
One smile can start a friendship,
One SMS can show that I care,
One friend like you makes life happier.
The sender might not realize how significant the message was. It was indeed made me realize that I am very blessed that I have someone who cares for me. So, yes, we can make a difference, even through small things that we do. Mission possible!
Talaga!? Helped so many people in my life, now, they use "alzheimer" as an excuse that they don't remember how much they owe me anymore, hehehe......
No cheers to those makalimutin or managlipat...
Nice quote.
This is John Denveros version:
"What one man can do is dream,
what one man can do is love.
What one man can do is change the world and make it young again,
here you see what one man can do."
I say, one woman, too.
That's a great quote for mothers too - Specially when they're in the drama of not being productive in saving mankind.
You may mean nothing in this world but you may be everything to someone.
Thanks for the post.
maybe, it could also be taken as an elongated version of the environmentalists' motto which is: act local, think global.
let's show ou love for mother earth.:-)
kelan ba makakain itong oink oink dito at di laging nakatitig?
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